Religious Education

​At Our Lady of the Angels’ Catholic Primary School it is our shared understanding that the teaching and learning of Religious Education provides an opportunity to empower each individual to articulate their faith and to interact in a society that embraces social and cultural diversity, using an explicit common language to articulate the Catholic social teaching of the dignity of the person and a shared commitment to the common good.

At OLA we believe that teaching of Religious Education:
• is progressive and consistent across the whole school
• is explicitly planned and taught
• is based on a shared understanding that all staff are teachers of Religious Education and models of faith
• is based on a shared understanding that all community members are teachers of religious literacy
• draws upon a flexible, evolving and dynamic repertoire of contemporary pedagogical practices when teaching the Religious Education curriculum
• is inspired by passionate and engaging teachers
• shares a common understanding and language of a contextualised curriculum, founded in faith development, tradition and catechesis

 In essence Religious Education involves preparing students for effective participation

 in present and future life, with an explicit Catholic understanding and perspective.